1. Introduction

JSilhouette provides additional shapes for Java applications. Currently JavaFX is supported.

1.1. Download

JSilhouette can be downloaded from Bintray download or Maven Central.

2. Usage

2.1. JavaFX

Shapes provided by jsilhouette-javafx do not extend the javafx.scene.shape.Shape class given that that particular type is closed for extension, but these shapes provide a pair of methods that can return a javafx.scene.shape.Shape instance ready to be used. These methods are

javafx.scene.shape.Shape getShape()
javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty<javafx.scene.shape.Shape> shapeProperty()

2.2. Installing

implementation 'org.kordamp.jsilhouette:jsilhouette-javafx:0.4.0'

3. Shapes

3.1. Almond

shape almond

3.2. Arrow

shape arrow

3.3. Asterisk

shape asterisk

3.4. Astroid

shape astroid

3.5. Cross

shape cross

3.6. Donut

shape donut

3.7. Lauburu

shape lauburu

3.8. Multiround Rectangle

shape multiround rectangle

3.9. Rays

shape rays

3.10. Regular Polygon

shape regular polygon

3.11. RoundPin

shape roundpin

3.12. Star

shape star